12 Aug 2007

St.Dominic's story by Stephen

Never thought we would be doing this .... But today we post the very first entry for this blog. It's wonderful how this group is growing both spiritually and in numbers. Last Friday we had our usual Rosary first and after that we had our Bible Sharing & Reflection. Things are getting so intresting and every week we learn a little bit at a time. It's all very exciting.

We usually have a lot of questions and ideas after reading the Gospel. And in the past many of them went unanswered at times (or we just forgot about them). Our group finally found a solution collectively. And thanks to Natalia. One of our really old members. Not old in age I meant. Old as in she's been with us from a long time. We have a question box Yeee-Yip-Pee!!! So from now on every week we will pop our questions, concerns or confusions about our faith or anything that we are not comfortable with in there. Our Spiritual Director Father Peter then will get back to us about them. The best thing about this box apart from it being really cute is that you don't need to leave a name with your question (I'm breathing a shy of relief.)

This week Stephen informed us about St.Dominic also known as Domingo de Guzmán. Some of us were happy to know that we are not the only ones in this world who have a schedule which consists of rushing with everything. Even though we heard about St.Dominic quite a bit. We never knew that he was always rushing. Thanks Stephen for taking so much time to prepare that.

We have been doing pretty well these past few weeks. We start and finish on time thats an achievement for us Yeee!!! After Stephen finished his story we started to head back home. For some reason all of us have a short chat in the corridor outside G11. It's not really an activity of the night. But it just happens automatically hehe.

I think we spent like 10 minutes talking in the corridor and then started to head out for dinner. Around 10 or 11 of us went out for dinner that night. That was nice :)

And then the very next next day (Saturday) some of us meet again to play badminton at the Monash Sports Center. We played for two hours till the very last minute (don't look at me that way students learn to make the best of everything specially if they pay for it hehehe). And because everyone was playing only for a short while and then taking a break to have a quick chat and a getting breath back moment. It turned out really well. It was like social sports hehehe. And the best part is that it didn't cost us much at all because we shared the cost.

To sum up this week with the Friday Night Rosary group was really exciting. We had our usual prayer group time and soon after that Stephen told us a summarized story about St. Dominic. Soon after that we went for dinner. And the next day we met up for badminton. In this coming week we will be listening about a letter from the Pope.